Organisational Processes to Support Effective Communication

Organisational Processes to Support Effective Communication

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This article is part of our Training Requirement Series where we provide comprehensive guides to meet the actual training requirements that are often needed/requested of learning and development departments within Australia's healthcare organisations. This series includes both general requirements, such as supporting effective communication through organisational processes, but also focuses on the specific requirements stemming from the NDIS, Aged Care and NSQHS Quality Standards.

What are Organisational Processes?

Organisational processes refer to the structured activities, procedures, and routines that dictate how tasks and objectives are achieved within an organisation. These processes are designed to ensure efficiency, consistency, and compliance with standards and regulations. In the healthcare context, organisational processes play a crucial role in maintaining patient safety, care quality, and effective communication among healthcare professionals.

Examples of Organisational Processes that Support Effective Communication

Several organisational processes specifically aim to enhance communication within healthcare settings, including:

  1. Standard operating procedures for patient handovers.
  2. Electronic health records systems for seamless information sharing.
  3. Multidisciplinary team meetings for collaborative care planning.
  4. Feedback mechanisms for continual improvement in communication practices.
  5. Incident reporting systems that facilitate transparent and timely communication regarding adverse events or near misses.
  6. Health literacy programs designed to ensure that all communications are understood by patients, families, and carers, irrespective of their literacy levels.
  7. Regularly scheduled debriefing sessions for teams to discuss outcomes, challenges, and areas of improvement in communication following significant healthcare events or procedures.

What is the "Organisational Processes to Support Effective Communication" Requirement?

Training for correct identification and procedure matching is mandated to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to accurately identify patients and match them with the correct procedures. This training encompasses understanding the policies, procedures, and tools used in patient identification and the critical importance of this process in patient safety.

Relevant Standards

Action 6.04:

The health service organisation has clinical communications processes to support effective communication when:

  • (a) Identification and procedure matching should occur
  • (b) All or part of a patient’s care is transferred within the organisation, between multidisciplinary teams, between clinicians or between organisations; and on discharge
  • (c) Critical information about a patient’s care, including information on risks, emerges or changes

National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards

Failure to comply with the requirements could lead to an organisation being penalised or reprimanded.

Related Training Requirements Guides

The following Training Requirement guides can be used to support and facilitate the organisational processes to support effective communication training requirement:

What Skills Do Staff Need For the Organisational Processes to Support Effective Communication Requirement?

To effectively engage with organisational processes aimed at supporting communication, staff need a diverse set of skills:

Skill Description
Technology proficiency Vital for operating patient identification systems making it accessible to authorised healthcare providers across different locations and specialties
Communication skills Vital for interacting clearly and effectively with patients, colleagues, and families to ensure accurate information is received and comprehended.
Ability to collaborate Efficient meetings bring together healthcare professionals from various specialties to discuss and plan patient care. By fostering open communication and collaboration, these meetings ensure that all aspects of a patient's health are considered, leading to more comprehensive and effective care plans.
Patient-centered communication Training programs focused on patient-centered communication equip healthcare professionals with the skills to communicate effectively with patients, ensuring that patient information is conveyed in a manner that is understandable, respectful, and responsive to their needs and preferences.
Utilisation of handover tools Tools provide a structured framework for transferring key patient information during handover, ensuring that critical information is not missed.
Teamwork Promotes collaboration among healthcare professionals to ensure a unified approach to patient identification and safety.

How to Assess Staff Competency in Organisational Processes to Support Effective Communication Requirement?

Effective assessment of staff competency is key to ensuring high standards of patient safety.

  • Observation of practice: Observers assess communication effectiveness during staff interactions, providing immediate feedback on performance.
  • Review of documentation: Evaluates accuracy and quality of patient records and documentation to ensure compliance with communication protocols.
  • Feedback: Collects insights on communication skills from various perspectives, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Simulation exercises: ffers a safe environment for practicing and assessing communication skills in complex, simulated healthcare situations.
  • Competency assessments: Ensures staff knowledge on communication best practices and organisational policies through targeted quizzes.
  • Self-assessment tools: Enable staff to reflect on their own practices and identify areas for self-improvement.
  • Performance appraisals: Formal evaluations of communication skills across different contexts, including team interactions and patient care.

Strategies to Support Employees Enhance Skills in Supporting Effective Communication through Organisational Processes Requirement

To support skill enhancement in effective communication through organisational processes, healthcare organisations can:

  1. Regular training workshops: Offers ongoing education on communication best practices and updates on organisational processes, accessible to all staff levels.
  2. Mentorship programs: Pairs new or less experienced staff with seasoned professionals for guidance, skill development, and support in adopting effective communication techniques..
  3. Feedback and coaching: Utilises performance assessments to provide constructive feedback and personalised coaching, helping individuals improve their communication skills.
  4. Interactive workshops: Engage staff in active learning through role-playing and group discussions on patient safety.
  5. Participation in multidisciplinary team: Encourages staff to engage in team-based care, promoting diverse learning experiences and fostering effective communication across different specialties..
  6. Culture of safety: Foster an environment where safety is prioritised, and staff are encouraged to report and learn from mistakes without fear of retribution.
  7. Communication toolkits: Develops and distributes resources such as checklists, guidelines, and reference materials to support staff in applying effective communication practices in their daily work.

Sample Skills Development Training Plan For Supporting Effective Communication Through Organisational Processes Requirement

Below is a sample training plan designed to develop skills required for supporting effective communication through organisational processes:

Example staff competency assessment results on Correct Identification and Procedure Matching

Using the above needs assessment survey as an example - The skill requiring the most attention for correct identification and procedure matching in healthcare is utilisation of handover tools and communication skills. We can target learning initiatives to fill these gaps to enhance staff competency.

Quarter Topics Resources
Q1 Utilisation of handover tools
Q2 Communication skills

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Staff Competency Assessment for Organisational Processes to Support Effective Communication - Example

Consider the following survey questions to evaluate staff's knowledge in correct identification and procedure matching.

Staff Survey - Correct Identification and Procedure Matching Competency

  1. How confident do you feel using electronic health records for patient information sharing?

    • [Answer here]

  2. Can you provide an example of a situation where effective communication improved patient care or outcomes?

    • [Answer here]

  3. Which aspect of communication do you find most challenging within our organisational processes?

    • [Answer here]

  4. How effective do you find the current training and development opportunities in improving your communication skills?

    • [Answer here]

  5. In which areas would you like to receive more training or resources to enhance your communication skills?

    • [Answer here]

  6. How well do you think our organisation supports a culture of open and effective communication?

    • [Answer here]


Developing a training program centred on organisational processes to support effective communication is vital for healthcare organisations to meet NSQHS Standards and improve patient care. By focusing on the necessary skills, assessing staff competency, and implementing strategies for skill enhancement, organisations can foster a culture of effective communication that leads to better patient outcomes.


  • Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2023. 'Communicating for Safety Standard'
  • Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2023. 'NSQHS Action 6.04'
  • Kwame, A & Petrucka, PM, 2021, 'A literature-based study of patient-centered care and communication in nurse-patient interactions: barriers, facilitators, and the way forward'. BMC Nursing, vol. 20, no. 1, p.158.
  • Burgener, AM, 2020, 'Enhancing communication to improve patient safety and to increase patient satisfaction'. The health care manager, vol. 39, no.3, pp.128-132.